Sunago Coffee Co
: to gather together
: to join two things that were once separated

Sunday. Closed
Monday. 6am - 3pm
Tuesday. 6am - 3pm
Wednesday. 6am - 3pm
Thursday. 6am - 3pm
Friday. 6am - 3pm
Saturday. 7am - 3pm
10736 Hardin Valley Road Knoxville, TN
The Story
Owners, Joshua and Yelena Wilson, have spent the majority of their lives working with coffee. Between them they have twenty plus years of coffee experience ranging from being a barista, managing coffee companies, roasting beans and visiting coffee plantations around the world. In 2004 Joshua worked for his first coffee shop in Louisville, Ky and was hooked on the community aspect that coffee shop culture develops . From there the goal was to always own a coffee company that would plant coffee shops in different communities around the world and become engrained in the growth and development of those communities.
Then 2020 came with so much change. Change that drove communities to stop gathering together and living in community. It rocked our world. Joshua decided there was no better time to pursue the dream of providing places for communities to gather, grow and enjoy a great cup of coffee.
Sunago ( sue-nah-go ) a greek word that literally means “to gather” or “to join two things that were once separated”. Joshua read this and knew THAT was the name that encompassed the soul of the dream. So, Sunago Coffee Company was born.
Starting off we will offer nation wide shipping on online orders and local delivery of whole bean coffee orders. We also will work with wholesale clients to provide their weekly coffee needs.
We have coffee shop locations in the works and are developing places to bring you, not only great coffee, but a unique atmosphere to gather and grow. We want Sunago to be THAT place you can go with a friend to laugh and catch up on life, THAT place you can go for a casual business meeting, THAT place you take your favorite book for an hour of indulgence or THAT place you simply want to hunker down and study for the test coming up. No matter what life throws at you, we want Sunago to be a place where you feel like one of our family.
We are excited for whats to come. Stay tuned on our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates.