The Owners
Joshua “Tito” Wilson
Most people call me Tito, a nickname I picked up in college and it stuck. I’ve managed three different coffee companies everywhere from Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky and now Tennessee. I have been in the coffee world since 2004 when I helped a small coffee company open their second location. My wife and I actually met at my first interview with Starbucks. She interviewed me, told the manager to hire me … and then we married 5 months later. True story. I have traveled to 15 countries doing humanitarian and mission work and took every opportunity to visit coffee plantations and coffee shops along the way. My favorite coffee has to be Jamaican Blue Mountain. We also own a custom furniture business called “Tito Wilson Designs’. Its been an avenue for my artistic side but not my extroverted side, so coffee shops are totally my jam. Totally stoked to visit with everyone and get to know you and what drink you like.
Yelena Wilson
I’m the proud momma of three rambunctious kiddos and this momma LOVES her coffee! Who can blame me!? I spent ten years working for Starbucks as a Shift Lead and have worked in stores in Missouri and Kentucky. My favorite thing about coffee is that first warm sip … because as a momma, by the time you finish your cup of coffee, its most likely turned into ice coffee. You moms know what I’m talking about. My husband is more of a “lets get together and talk” at a coffee shop type of person, and I’m totally a “give me a book, a good latte and leave me alone” type of coffee shop person… thats why we compliment each other well. I love coffee shops though and excited to bring our own twist to Knoxville … and all you book worms, lets be friends.